1044 7s J. Kent
“With joy shall ye draw water....” Isa. 12. 3
Water from salvation’s wells,
Thirsty sinner, come and draw;
Grace in Jesus’ fulness dwells,
More than men or angels know.
’Twas in God, the fount supreme,
Till the day that Adam fell;
Then the first all-healing stream
Watered Eden’s garden well.
Far and wide the cleansing flood
O’er the sin-cursed garden ran;
Preaching peace by Jesus’ blood –
Blissful sound to rebel man.
Thousands now around the throne
Water from this fountain drew;
Felt their griefs and sorrows gone;
Hymned his praise; and why not you?
Bring no money, price, or aught,
No good deeds, nor pleasing frames,
Mercy never can be bought;
Grace is free; and all’s the Lamb’s.