145 7s J. Kent
Peace made by the Blood of the Cross. Isa. 63. 2, 3
Christ exalted is our song,
Hymned by all the blood-bought throng;
To his throne our shouts shall rise;
God with us by sacred ties.
Shout, believer, to thy God!
He has once the wine-press trod;
Peace procured by blood divine;
Cancelled all thy sins and mine.
Here thy bleeding wounds are healed;
Sin condemned and pardon sealed;
Grace her empire still maintains;
Christ without a rival reigns.
[Through corruption, felt within,
Darkness, deadness, guilt, and sin,
Still to Jesus turn thy eyes –
Israel’s hope and sacrifice.]
In thy Surety thou art free;
His dear hands were pierced for thee;
With his spotless vesture on,
Holy as the Holy One.
O the heights, the depths of grace,
Shining with meridian blaze!
Here the sacred records show
Sinners black but comely too.
Saints dejected, cease to mourn;
Faith shall soon to vision turn;
Ye the kingdom shall obtain,
And with Christ exalted reign.