651 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
Baptism. Luke 12. 50; Rom. 6. 4; Col. 2. 12
Jesus, our exalted Saviour,
We adore thy matchless grace;
Thou hast borne our misbehaviour,
Suffered in our wretched place;
Wrath and terror
Sank thy soul in deep disgrace.
For us thou hast borne the horrors
Of a sin-avenging God;
Who can understand the sorrows
Of thy soul in wrath’s deep flood?
’Tis a mystery
Only fully known to God.
[Yet, through grace, we know in measure
What thy love has for us borne,
And we hope, through thy good pleasure,
To behold thee on thy throne,
And for ever
Sing the victories thou hast won.]
As an emblem of thy passion,
We with thee would be baptized;
And to show thy great salvation,
From the liquid grave we rise;
May we never,
Never dare thy ways despise.