1128 C.M. John Berridge
Prayer. Ps. 20. 9
Eternal Father, Lord of all,
By heaven and earth adored,
Regard thy guilty creatures’ call,
Who would revere thy word.
Lord Jesus, Son of God most high,
Of all the rightful heir,
Adored by hosts above the sky,
And by thy people here;
Thee, Saviour of the lost, we own,
Incarnate God and Lord,
Refresh us now, and send us down
The blessings of thy word.
Thou, Holy Ghost, who dost reveal
The secret things of grace;
And knowest well the Father’s will,
And his deep mind can trace;
Disclose the heavenly mysteries,
And bring the gospel feast;
Give gracious hearts and opened eyes,
That we may see and taste.