920 8.7.4. J. Kent
Christ’s Righteousness. Isa. 45. 24; 1 Cor. 1. 30
When to worship saints assemble,
Let the song to Jesus flow.
He forsook his ancient glory,
Groaned and bled for worms below.
Ransomed mortals,
Join to swell the sacred song.
Ye who find yourselves polluted,
Feel your hearts a sink of sin,
Ye shall have by God imputed,
Righteousness that’s white and clean.
’Tis the garment
Wove by everlasting love.
’Tis Jehovah’s own providing;
Better, wisdom can’t devise;
From his eye for ever hiding
Sins of every name and size;
He that wears it
Is by God exalted high.
Adam, when the tempter foiled him,
His bright robes were quickly gone;
But this righteousness of Jesus
Once applied, ’tis always on;
’Tis their title
To the mansion love ordained.