656 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
Baptism. Luke 12. 50; Acts 10. 47; Heb. 2. 9
Precious Jesus! we adore thee;
Thou hast conquered death and hell;
We in wonder fall before thee;
Thy salvation suits us well;
May we love thee,
And obey thy righteous will.
Here we raise our Ebenezer,
Monuments of grace divine;
Thou art all our joy and treasure,
We are wholly, doubly thine;
Loved for ever,
And redeemed with blood divine.
[Give us faith to view thee sighing,
Under our tremendous load;
Agonising, groaning, dying,
Overwhelmed in sweat and blood;
Floods of vengeance
Covering our incarnate God.]
By thy precious love constrainèd,
We are come to own thy name;
Thou for us all shame disdainèd;
We for thee would do the same.
Saviour, bless us
With a holy, solemn frame.
Then, with a transporting pleasure,
We with Christ will be baptized;
Follow him, our glorious Leader,
Let whoever will despise;
And for ever
Sing his praise beyond the skies.