830 7s J. Hart
“Shew the Lord’s death till he come.” 1 Cor. 11. 26
Jesus, once for sinners slain,
From the dead was raised again,
And in heaven is now set down
With his Father in his throne.
There he reigns a King supreme;
We shall also reign with him;
Feeble souls, be not dismayed;
Trust in his almighty aid.
He has made an end of sin,
And his blood has washed us clean;
Fear not, he is ever near;
Now, e’en now, he’s with us here.
Thus assembling, we, by faith,
Till he come, show forth his death;
Of his body bread’s the sign,
And we drink his blood in wine.
Bread, thus broken, aptly shows
How his body God did bruise;
When the grape’s rich blood we see,
Lord, we then remember thee.
[Saints on earth, with saints above,
Celebrate his dying love,
And let every ransomed soul
Sound his praise from pole to pole.]