1080 L.M. A. Steele
The Heavenly Conqueror. Rev. 3. 5, 12, 21; 12. 11
To Jesus, our victorious Lord,
The praises of our lives belong;
For ever be his name adored;
Sweet theme of every thankful song.
Lost in despair, beset with foes,
Undone, and perishing we lay;
His pity melted o’er our woes,
And saved the trembling, dying prey.
He fought, he conquered though he fell,
While with his last expiring breath,
He triumphed o’er the powers of hell,
And by his dying vanquished death.
Though still reviving foes arise,
Temptations, sins, and doubts appear,
And pain our hearts, and fill our eyes
With many a groan, and many a tear;
Still may we fight, and still prevail,
In our Almighty Leader’s name;
His strength, whene’er our spirits fail,
Can all our active powers inflame.