974 L.M. T. Kelly
“Seek peace.” Ps. 34. 14; Rom. 12. 18
While contests rend the Christian church,
O may I live the friend of peace;
The sacred mine of Scripture search,
And learn from man, vain man, to cease.
O teach me, Lord, thy truth to know,
And separate from all beside;
This I would guard from every foe,
Nor fear the issue to abide.
But keep me, Lord, from party zeal,
That seeks its own and not thy praise;
This temper I would never feel,
Or when I do, would own it base.
Be mine to recommend thy grace,
That sinners may believe and live;
That they who live may run the race,
And then a crown of life receive.
Lord, search my heart; O search me through!
Detect, destroy what’s not thy own;
Whene’er I speak, whate’er I do,
O may I seek thy praise alone.