742 7s John Berridge
“He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool.” Prov. 28. 26
He that trusts in his own heart,
Acts a raw and foolish part;
Base it is, and full of guile,
Brooding mischief in a smile.
Does it boast of love within?
So it may, and yet may sin;
Peter loved his Master well,
Yet a loving Peter fell.
Does it feel a melting frame?
David also felt the same;
Yet he made a woeful trip,
And perceived his mountain slip.
Does it talk of faith, and boast?
Abra’m had as much as most;
Yet, beguiled by unbelief,
Twice he durst deny his wife.
Every prop will, first or last,
Sink or fail, but Jesus Christ;
On this sure foundation stone
Let me build and rest alone.