750 C.M. G. Burder
“God is love.” 1 John 4. 8, 16; Eph. 2. 4
Come, ye that know and fear the Lord,
And lift your souls above;
Let every heart and voice accord,
To sing that God is love!
This precious truth his word declares,
And all his mercies prove;
Jesus, the Gift of gifts appears,
To show that God is love!
Behold his patience lengthened out,
To those who from him rove;
And calls effectual reach their hearts,
To teach them God is love!
The work begun is carried on
By power from heaven above;
And every step, from first to last,
Proclaims that God is love!
O may we all, while here below,
This best of blessings prove;
Till warmer hearts in brighter worlds,
Shall shout that God is love!