489 C.M. J. Hart
Christ’s Ascension. Luke 24. 51-53; Ps. 68. 18
Now for a theme of thankful praise
To tune the stammerer’s tongue;
Christians, your hearts and voices raise,
And join the joyful song.
The Lord’s ascended up on high,
Decked with resplendent wounds;
While shouts of victory rend the sky,
And heaven with joy resounds.
See, from the regions of the dead,
Through all the ethereal plains,
The powers of darkness captive led,
The dragon dragged in chains.
Ye eternal gates, your leaves unfold!
Receive the conquering King;
Ye angels, strike your harps of gold;
And saints, triumphant sing.
Sinners, rejoice! he died for you;
For you prepares a place;
Sends down his Spirit to guide you through
With every gift of grace.
His blood, which did your sins atone,
For your salvation pleads;
And, seated on his Father’s throne,
He reigns and intercedes.