649 7s W. Gadsby
Baptism. Luke 12. 50; Rom. 6. 4; Col. 2. 12
Precious Jesus! here we are,
Come to witness and declare
We are thine, redeemed with blood,
Called and proved the sons of God.
Jesus, ere he gave his blood,
Was immersed in Jordan’s flood,
There, and in that way, to show
What he had to undergo.
In the watery grave we see,
Looking through it, Lord, to thee,
Jesus, overwhelmed in blood,
Sunk in wrath’s tremendous flood.
And shall we for whom he died,
Rose, and lives to intercede,
Be too proud to be despised,
And with him to be baptized?
No, dear Saviour, we will go
In the watery grave, to show
We are buried with our King,
And we rise his praise to sing.
Precious Spirit, make us see
Love immense, beyond degree;
Now, and when beneath the flood,
Fill us with the love of God.