208 8.7.4. J. Adams
Salvation. Acts 4. 12; Eph. 3. 17-19; Deut. 33. 3
Jesus, Lover of thy nation;
Saviour of thy people free!
Visit us with thy salvation;
Let us, Lord, thy glory see;
O revive us,
That we may rejoice in thee.
Let us find thy love surrounding
Us, thy fickle children, here;
And thy mighty grace abounding,
Leading us in holy fear.
Guide us, Jesus;
To our souls be ever near.
May we never more forget thee;
(Base ingratitude indeed!)
Keep us with thy arm almighty,
Us in verdant pastures lead.
Be our Guardian,
Till from this vain world we’re freed.
Then, O sweetest, lovely Jesus!
When in heaven we see thy face,
Who from all our bondage freed us,
We will give thee all the praise.
All the glory
Shall redound to thy free grace!