114 S.M. J. Berridge
Glorying in Christ. Jer. 9. 23, 24; 1 Cor. 1. 31
The sons of earth delight
To spread their fame abroad,
To glory in their worth and might;
But such are not of God.
The heavenly word declares,
And faithful is the word,
That Israel’s seed, the royal heirs,
Shall glory in the Lord.
In Jesus they shall trust;
From first to last each one,
Through Jesus, shall be counted just,
And boast in him alone.
Amen! the word is good;
My trust is in his name;
I have redemption through his blood,
And I will shout his fame.
[He hears my sad complaints,
And heals old wounds and new;
Hosanna to the King of saints;
His ways are just and true!
His worth I love to tell,
And wish the world to know;
And where the Son is honoured well,
The Father’s honoured too.]